Simple Tools for Orthography Profile Creation

Counter: Retrieve character Frequencies of the words in your data

Rule generator for orthography profiles

Use this tool to generate explicit rules form expression-like statements. Write a string and write multiple combinations in "[1 a e i o u]" where the "1" indicates the number of the group (groups can be repeated), and the sounds separated by space are the group that will be successively replaced. The output generates the cartesian product of your choice. Just test
[1 a e i o u][2 m n][1 a e i o u]
to see what the pattern returns. Use the ">" symbol, separated by a space on both sides to indicate transformation rules. So if you want to display all combinations of "[aeiou]" with "n" or "m" as nasal vowels, write
[1 a e i o u][2 m n] > [1 a e i o u][2 ◌̃ ◌̃]
, where the symbol "◌" is used as a placeholder for a diacritic or a replacement with an empty string.

Profile with Structure: Check if the profile with structure is consisten